RIP Michael Clarke Duncan

Friday, December 2, 2011

Rant: Kardashians

Every once in a while I might rant.

More so than usual...I know, I know, I'm splitting hairs here. But it's my site and I'll cry if I want to.

Here's the deal: I don't watch reality TV and I rarely listen to the radio (just plug in my iPod FTW), but the last few weeks I've been letting my radio get some play. And it seems like I can't flick on a station without some idiot DJ talking about or referring to something going on with Kim Kardashian or her idiot sisters/family.

If it weren't for the idiotic things the media likes to talk about I would have no effin' clue who or what a Kardashian was. But thanks to this funny world we live in, I know...even though I don't make it a point to know or watch anything related to these obnoxious asshats.

My point here is WHY DO I KNOW WHO THESE PEOPLE ARE OR WHAT'S GOING ON IN THEIR LIVES!? I shouldn't. I HATE that I even know their names. They're famous because they're rich.

That's not a good enough reason for someone to be famous or for anyone to give two shit's about their lives. But thanks to the media I know more about Kim Kardashian going through some sort of divorce from some marriage that everyone thinks was a sham and now she doesn't want kids because her sister(s) are having kids.

Why do I know this crap? And trust me, I immediately change the station/channel when this kind of nonsense comes up.

Life is short, I believe in living it to the fullest as much as possible. I don't have time (literally, because we're all dying after all) to hear this stuff. Not when I could be hearing about something important happening in the world that will actually have an impact on me. Or make me laugh, or give me information so that I can help do something about a problem (even if it just means I donate some money to a worthy cause). With all the great TV shows on the air, or even great oldies that you can get on DVD why would you waste your viewing time on garbage? Watch something that could expand your horizons. Something that could entertain while make you a more knowledgeable person. Maybe a show that could push you into changing and evolving, something that would enrich your life. Because that's it for me...I'm all about time spent on enriching my life. Who has time for anything less? What's the point behind anything less? You think I've watched Battlestar: Galactica five times through because it was simply entertaining or because I didn't have to think? Think again. Hell, pop in a DVD and spend some time with a beloved movie. Even THAT'S better than anything Kardashian. These people don't deserve your time! Read a book. Play a video game. Call up an old friend. All of these things equal time well spent.

At any given moment there are literally a thousand other stories that should be talked about. It infuriates me to no end that I even know these people EXIST!

I shouldn't even know their names. I don't want to know their names. 

People, we are better than this.

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