I've been hesitant to chime in on the whole re-releasing old movies thing that the studio's have been doing recently. Whether it was all the Disney flicks being re-released or the Star Wars movies or the Spielberg Anniversary movies like Jaws and E.T, I felt like a wait and see approach was necessary.
Obviously it's a cash grab, so there's that. Yet part of me always felt like they should've been doing this for years - but not at the cost of putting out original material. THAT is why I've always been hesitant to stake a claim on this subject.
Sure, Lucas is airing out his bullshit prequel movies, but let's face it, what else has the guy got? The Empire Strikes Back is just not his movie, HIS movies are the prequels so OF COURSE he's going to flaunt his shit first...I say let him make a fool out of himself. Let him put out his crap while we wait for the good stuff, and watch how the good stuff makes tons more money than HIS bullshit.
Yep. |
Lucas-tangent aside, I feel like the re-releasing of classic movies and or epics is mostly a great thing. Sure, I have ZERO interest in Finding Nemo 3D but that's only because:
1. Saw the movie once in theaters, personally that was enough. It's a good flick, but I don't have a serious connection with it and I loathe 3D.
2. The movie wasn't released all that long ago that I feel a re-release is necessary.
However, take a flick like Raiders of the Lost Ark (which I just got back from seeing in theaters for the very first time) for example:
This is a film that most living people have NEVER seen in the cinema. I would argue most living people have NEVER even seen it on their television screens. This is the perfect example of a movie that deserves a re-release. I would argue any massive blockbuster that drew high praise over 20 years old NEEDS a re-release. If only for a week.
Yet, I only feel this way after having watched Raiders of the Lost Ark for the first time in my 31 years on the big screen.
I have always loved Raiders of the Lost Ark, but now I also realize that part of my initial love for this movie had more to do with the fantastic character of Indiana Jones than the actual movie. Or in other words, seeing a movie like this on the small screen compared to the silver screen is like comparing your favorite band on CD to live-up-front and in-person.
It's that simple. The power of your favorite band on CD or LIVE?
It's the same for movies. And that's why I say firmly that a movie can be great on DVD/Blu-Ray/On-Demand, or whatever - but it's ALWAYS BETTER IN THE CINEMA.
The sound is better and more bombastic. The picture is usually better or just as good but BIGGER. The environment is all encompassing and dark (given you don't have asshats ruining the experience for you - but do something about it should they try). It's just an all around better experience.
There has been a threat from the studio's over the last few years to make theater owners upgrade or they will just push their movies down the digital stream via Netflix and such, thereby making cinemas obsolete. I've always been of the mind-set that there is a certain magic and mystery and overall vibe to the movie theater that will never die - yet if the theater's DON'T improve I can easily see people staying at home to watch movies. Indeed, as the cost to build your own quality movie theater in your living room downgrades and ticket prices go up the situation becomes dire.
It's a damn shame because while you could do some amazing things with audio and visual equipment in your own home, it CANNOT meet the standard for what I saw tonight watching Raiders of the Lost Ark on the big screen. It was amazing.
It was like seeing the movie for the first time - and I've seen Raiders a hundred times.
That says something.
I still say Raise Ticket Prices, but go see the classics in cinema for sure. When ELSE will get a chance to see a movie like Raiders in theaters again?
The way it was MEANT to be seen!?
Also, they digitally erase the reflections of the glass here, so it looks super scarier. |
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