RIP Michael Clarke Duncan

Friday, September 23, 2011

First Post...

So after many people have pestered, annoyed, bothered, and generally harassed me with questions and strong nudges (sometimes very violent blows) on why I don't have a blog and when will I actually sit down and write one, I have finally decided to sit down and check out this blogging thing the kid's like to do nowadays.

Why should you read my blog? Well for one, I'm a fairly decent writer with enough of a funny bone to keep you interested and I'm a man of very strong opinions and ideas. So...that's always fun.

I'm going to mostly post about movies, music, literature, video games, philosophy, daily life in Southern California from a poor bartender's perspective, and other various geeky shit. So basically anything and everything I want.

Keep reading and I'll keep it interesting.

Yeah, like that.

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