OK, up first is Topless Robot.
This site covers news on everything geeky from video games to movies and cartoons. It's humor filled and even has an interesting and hysterical article series on geeky fan sex stories. I know that sounds horrible. Let it sink in...still horrible? GOOD. It should be. But it's very funny...disturbing, but funny. Take my word for it.
Next up is the very scientific io9.
io9 posts a lot of the same news as Topless Robot, but usually with more information and less comedy styling. They also tend to get into the scientific news out there. Con: They're always posting pro-Global Warming bullshit. But hey, every rose has it's thorn.
Finally, the last site in this article will be ThinkGeek.
This site even has the word geek in it. Let's see, two words to sell this website to you: Shopping + Geek. Just spend five minutes browsing this website and I guarantee you will find something on it that will enrich your life. Seriously, take the BatSTUD challenge here.
They are currently having a SALE!
That's it for now, more to come, stay tuned!
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