RIP Michael Clarke Duncan

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Our lives would be so much cooler:

Dun-da-dun-dun, dun-da-dun!


This is going to be a recurring article, where I point out something grand that would just make our lives so much better and be the all around bee's knees. Can't believe I just used the bee's knees saying...awesome. 

On to the subject matter at hand! Some of the most iconic music of the 20th century was created by brilliant composer's making music for movies. I mean John Williams alone has created the music for Superman, Indiana Jones, Jaws, Star Wars, and Jurassic Park. All of these tunes I'm willing to bet you'd recognize if only even a few notes were played for you.

And in the best cases what these composer's do with this music is nail down the personality of the characters and the theme of the movie overall.


The video above is from Raiders of the Lost Ark and it's the scene in which the Ark is being transported by the Nazi's, but Indy's going after it. It's a great scene, probably the best in the movie, and what they've done with this video is highlight the music. They took out sound effects and dialogue in order to examine and demonstrate how powerful the music is for this particular sequence. 

Obviously, not all of our lives are as awesome as Indy's or Superman's. But still, who wouldn't want a soundtrack for their life?

The music could not heighten up your intensity when working out at the gym as the Rocky theme starts up:

Or what about danger? Imagine you're swimming in the ocean when the Jaws theme starts up...wouldn't it be nice to have that warning?

I'd like a warning for when this ass was behind me!

OR this guy...yikes. But you know you'd fuck him...hard. Silence of the Lambs reference FTW.

I know what you're thinking, but Ryan, how would that work when we're around other people or when we're in large groups?

Good question. Easily answered/solved. First of all, it's not unheard of for multiple composers to work on a soundtrack together. Hans Zimmer and James Howard both worked on Batman Begins and the Dark Knight, both contributing their strength's and creating something that I personally love and think is pretty badass. Both are very good on their own, but together, they did something very original and creative. It's always interesting to see what happens when two artists collaborate.

My point here is that music can blend and be created almost as it goes. And indeed, this already happens all the time in movies. A perfect example once again (I admit I LOVE Raiders, but find it odd that I keep having to refer to it, that was not it in the plan) would be Raiders of the Lost Ark, the main theme can definitely be attributed to Indy, but there's a theme for his love interest Marion that's literally titled Marion's Theme. And there are times when this creeps into Indy's theme or they both creep into other parts. You see what I'm saying?

Obviously if you were at Comic-Con with a bunch of people, the music we'd all hear would be FOR Comic-Con, it would be the theme of Comic-Con. If you were at a Chargers game you'd hear the theme for the Chargers (something lame and with a slight build-up towards the end that comes along too little too late). When you were with your spouse or significant other you'd probably have a theme that was yours as a couple, but then you'd still have your own theme when out on your own, and of course your theme would alter given the situation you were in. 

How amazing would this be? It would just make everything better? Driving to work and you have to swerve because some idiot is touching up their make-up in the mirror and BOOM, suddenly the music is righteous and dramatic as you yell at her in your rear-view mirror! Dealing with a co-worker you don't like becomes suddenly exciting because the music is telling you to dodge and evade. Eating pizza, oh the glory, the glory! Making love, bow-chicka-bow-wow. 

There is potential there.

Everything would be so much more magical and triumphant. Having music that followed you around in your little life would just enhance everything. The exact same way it does with movies. The perfect score or song can turn a mediocre movie into a powerhouse. Look at Dirty Dancing. And honestly, I don't really believe in mediocre lives. So the potential for AWESOMENESS is there.

God, get on this!

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