RIP Michael Clarke Duncan

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I want to carry a sword!

And why not!?

Swords are effing cool (especially if you know how to use one) so to be able to carry one would be AWESOME.

I think we should be able to carry guns so of course I don't think it makes any sense for us NOT to be allowed to carry swords. I'll bring up my gun argument one day, but for now, we're on the sword issue. And for a lot of reasons I get why we aren't allowed to carry firearms but in this day and age why not swords?

If I can't carry a gun, I should be able to defend myself in some manner, right? I think the sword would be the next level down from a gun and still maintain a level of respectable lethality versus responsibility paradigm.

Don't bring up the stun gun because the stun gun isn't lethal and I would like the choice in the matter when confronted with despicable "people". No, I'm just kiddin'. I don't like the stun gun because it's been proven ineffective even at merely subduing people. It's just not consistent.

The sword is the obvious people-pleaser.

Yet thanks to society's growing paranoia and the race to disarm every citizen (even the sane and responsible ones), if ever I have to face Jason Vorhees or even just Hans Gruber I'm going to be shit out of luck and not even be able to defend myself let alone hack and slash my way through evil with the sword of the righteous:

Or my new Christmas present from my brother:

I would like the chance to be able to defend myself and my friends/family should the need arise. Since the gun is sort of out (for now) I'd like to put my claim down for the sword. I won't stop fighting for the right to bear arms, but for now I'd settle for a handy sword at my side.

Because I'd rather carry something I never need than need it and not be allowed to have it!

Common sense, people!

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