RIP Michael Clarke Duncan

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Fun and funny fan-made Star Wars videos

Yet another new installment that I'll keep updating for the site (yes, another one) is going to be a tribute to the many zany, fun, funny, crazy, high-concept and generally interesting plethora of fan-made videos in honor of Star Wars. Or at least we'll keep this segment running until we run out of material.

But that will probably take a while anyway seeing as how fan-made Star Wars flicks are about as old as the internet itself. And they keep coming.

This is one of my all-time favorites and it's from FND Films which IS a YouTube channel that you should definitely subscribe to. These guys have made tons of funny videos, but this one is a classic.

Not only is this one hilarious, but the guy playing the Emperor does a pretty darn GOOOOD impersonation.

If you call yourself any kind of Star Wars fan and HAVEN'T seen this, where ya been, man? This is easily the best choreographed, shot, edited, and performed fan-made lightsaber battle that you've ever seen. At least until the sequel was made:

This is what happens when two aspiring special effects geeks want to show off their skills. Impressive, MOST impressive.

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