RIP Michael Clarke Duncan

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Musical people you should listen to!

I prefer not to think of myself as narcissistic, egotistical or arrogant (even though I know plenty of people who would disagree with me) but instead, maybe a little too self-aware. I think I'm pretty laid back and try to go with the flow as much as possible. Sure there are some things that drive me up the wall, but generally speaking I try to maintain my calm, happy-joy-joy, and more such Demolition Man-speak. I strive to be an honest, open-book that what you see is what you get. Real and mostly drama free. Selfless and deep. I hate shallowness. Non-snobby.

Oh, wait...that's right...I'm a total fucking snob when it comes to MY music.

I know, I is ABSOLUTELY cliche' to say that you love all kinds of music. But I really mean it. I got everything from Garth Brooks to Frank Sinatra. The Gin Blossoms to Van Halen. Pearl Jam to Elvis. Will Smith to Sublime. John Williams to James Horner (geek reference, FTW). Seriously, I love all kinds of music. Except rap which can go to Hell in a handbasket, yeah I said it.

My iTunes stands at over 4000 songs right now. That's right, I'm gloating.

Boom bitches.

Now what to do with all my musical knowledge except share it with the needy, the less fortunate, the hapless drones circling the global net like yourselves! OK, maybe your not a drone...but I'm trying to enrich your life here so get with the program.

Right off the bat the first person that comes to mind is Schuyler Fisk. She's been in a couple movies and has a famous mom (Carrie) but none of that should concern you too much unless you get horribly fixated on her and start stalking her...then we have problems.

But seriously, this girl is truly talented. Folksy and artsy yes, but don't let that stand against her. She's awesome. Check her out:

 She's also cute as all hell which is awesome:


Next on my pretentious list is gonna have to be the Civil Wars. You MAY have already heard of them, but who cares? If I get one more person interested in them I count that as a win. Again, VERY folksy.

I see a theme forming...

Theme or no theme, the Civil Wars are amazing and have a pretty unique vocal range. Their most famous song is actually one of my least favorite on their album, but it's still good. Which says a lot, I think.

See what I mean? Awesome. Buy their album. Very good stuff.

Finally, (yes this too like all things will end) I'ma go off in a different direction right hur.

Scars on 45 is possibly the best band I've heard in years. I know that says a lot, but I'm sayin' it. There are just some bands that are so good you only hear the song once or twice but it connects and hits so deeply that it's already a part of you and know it...WELL. Other than Dishwalla, this is the only band I've come into contact with that has profoundly interested me beyond words and descriptions. And they only have like four or five songs you can get through iTunes!!! If that's not an accomplishment, I don't know what is. Gotta give a head's up to my buddy Broc (my music muse and broham who always has his ear to the grindstone) for letting me know about these guys and gal in the first place.

I hope you see what I mean!

Well that's it for now, but more will surely come!

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