RIP Michael Clarke Duncan

Friday, March 30, 2012

American Reunion holds a special place in my heart

I am very much looking forward to American Reunion. The original was my Senior Class movie. Meaning that American Pie was a movie about kids coming of age and graduating in 1999. Well I graduated in 1999.

Oh God, did that just horribly date me?

It doesn't, I just really liked this pic.

I grew up in a lucky era where awesome movies like Can't Hardly Wait (1998, and yet another movie I could relate to) and American Pie came out. It was like the late nineties version of the the John Hughes era) But picture me awesome when the movie that was probably the most relatable of all built a franchise.

American Pie 2 was good and American Wedding was okay. Never watched any past that, but how awesome is it that American Reunion is coming with all of the cast members back in play? I think it speaks VOLUMES of the world we live in and of the miracles of modern medicine that most of the cast look like they haven't aged a day.

Still, I think there's something oddly strange yet totally predictable while being heart-warming that I could relate to these characters when I was graduating High School and I can relate to them now. In a very real sense of the word, I have grown up with these characters, and all the things they are going through have always been what me and my friends are going through because they are locked in our age grouping. That being said, none of us have ever danced naked on the internet, and/or superglued our penises to ourselves...

Just saying...

Either way, I'm excited. Maybe I'm biased...but it should be fun! And here's to American Mid-Life Crisis, sure to be the next installment!

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