RIP Michael Clarke Duncan

Friday, March 16, 2012

Your Rocky Zen moment of the day:

Rocky II might be the best of the bunch. They're all good (in their own way - I say this quickly before anyone wants to go 10 rounds with me over Rocky V), but Rocky's training in Part II is very interesting.

He didn't really want to fight Apollo Creed again. His wife didn't want him to neither (ha). Rocky felt like he'd already proven everything he had to with the first fight. It became more about money. But the yet the question remained. Could he actually beat the Champion? He came so goddamn close the last time, maybe he could actually do it now that he believed it was possible?  Still, his heart wasn't in it. Mostly because Adrian didn't want him to fight.

But then complications arose in Adrian's pregnancy and while the baby was born, she went into a coma. Rocky forgot about training and stayed by her side night and day while the fight loomed ever closer.

Finally, Adrian awoke and this happened:

Training continued here (or as I like to put it, the rest of your Zen moment for the day):

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