RIP Michael Clarke Duncan

Monday, March 12, 2012

Sulu's Happy Dance!

OK...for those who don't know who George Takei is:


True, he's gone onto many a different television shows, gotten a vast many paycheck from his insane amount of voice work gigs, and was also underused and yet at times brilliantly used on the too long-lived but once shortly-awesome show that was Heroes.

Read it again, it makes sense.

But the mother fucka started out as Sulu the Helmsman on Star Trek biatches. RECOGNIZE.

Nevertheless, this video tickles my funny bone to no end. True, the guy is an ego-maniac and has had all kinds of stupid rivalries with various Star Trek cast members, but damn if it's not fun to watch the guy dance. Especially and maybe ONLY because he has almost always seemed to take himself so damned seriously. 

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