RIP Michael Clarke Duncan

Thursday, October 27, 2011

5 Best cinematic space sequences!

This is a touchy issue nowadays. For one, since the advent in technology in the last couple decades we've actually got some pretty decent space stuff via television (BSG comes to mind for one, Farscape another). But I've decided that in order to write this article properly, I had to narrow down the parameters a bit.

Movies just generally have a bigger budget and better effects. This doesn't always equate to the best or more powerful scene, however there is a certain magic that the movie theater brings that no home theater equipment can replicate. I'm sorry, it's just a fact...and it's why movie theaters should never die (article coming on that).

Regardless (I've waited weeks to use this word accordingly), I wanted to put a shout out to all the great TV space sequences that will not be included in this top five. Mostly because I think this top five covers the best of the best - and it's all cinema, baby.

All in all, when I decided I wanted to write an article on the best spaceflights and/or scenes in movies I decided first and foremost that I had to care about the actual flight before any battle that was possibly happening alongside it. There are some truly great space battles that have little movement in them. That's exciting. But it's not AS exciting as an awesome spaceflight! I'm an adrenaline junky and I love me some speed! Gotta have it baby!

Like MORE Cowbell!

True, acceleration wasn't the only factor...we also need to care about the characters in the ship and what's going on. I wanted to put down scenes that were important to the overall story and not just a fun ride, although in at least one case, the fun ride made up for the lack of characterization.

So without further adieu, I give you the best space sequences in cinematic history (notice how I've left room for myself to do a whole other article on space battles? That's just good economization, people...and yes, that's a word):

5. The Last Starfighter - The Final Battle


YES, the effects are outdated...but this movie paved the way for CGI as we know it today.

Beyond that, this is a great flick that I recommend to all who haven't seen it. And this sequence is part of the climax, and outdated effects or not, it's still a whole lotta fun.

The Last Starfighter will always get a 10/10 from me if only for the amazing soundtrack:

4. Star Trek III: The Search for Spock - Stealing the Enterprise

This is perhaps my most favorite scene in all of Trek history thus far. It's an ode to friendship. The gist is simple: Spock is alive on a planet that has been isolated by the Government. Captain Kirk and friends risk EVERYTHING to steal the Enterprise in order to go and rescue him.


If that's not a premise for this list I don't know what is.

3. Lost in Space - Through the Planet

If you watch the whole video above, you should know that first it's an alternate score from the actual movie (I think the movie's score is better) and that two, it has some animatics in it (pre-cgi storyboards of sorts). Not that those things really take anything away from the scene, just FYI.

But it's a great scene. You talk about action and adventure. I love this scene. So dynamic and FUN. That's what was missing with science-fiction cinema for so long (until Abrams came along) was fun! This movie and this scene is an oasis in a desert of the era of made-for-TV Sci-Fi Channel movies and such. God bless it!

2. Serenity - Leaf on the Wind

Dammit, the number TWO spot on the list and I can't even find a decent video to represent it!!!

All I can find is this shitty slow-paced introduction to the scene.

I'll lay it out for you. Serenity is a small cargo vessel. She's flying into an enemy armada. She has no weapons. 

But chasing her is a zombie-like army that flies around in massive warships.  

I smell drama. Add to that an AMAZING crew and you have interest and entertainment! 

Go buy Serenity now...and/or Firefly the Complete Series...I get royalties from Joss Whedon.

1. The Empire Strikes Back - Asteroid Field Chase

Forget the subtitles...

This is the best of the best of the best...with honors. 

The space sequence that ALL should and WILL be judged by. 

Cocky pilot, check. Damage to ship, check. Daring maneuvers, check. Witty dialogue, check. GREAT SCORE, check. Overwhelming odds, check (BTW, NEVER tell me the odds). Harrison Ford, CHECK. 

The scene speaks for itself in its perfection. You're welcome.

'Nuff said.

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