RIP Michael Clarke Duncan

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Skinny jeans are NOT cool

Today I'd like someone to explain to me where, why, when, and how skinny jeans on a guy became cool and/or sexy, attractive, interesting, a good thing?

I can only attribute it to the constant demasculinization that appears to be happening in our society. Pardon me if I stand-up and say once and for all that tight clothes on a man is not sexy and that it is feminine. Yep, that's right, I think tight clothes equals feminine. The female shape is just more pleasing in tight clothes, while the male form is not. There is nothing manly about this:

Nice heels, douchers.

Not to say that baggy clothes are the answer. Just like almost anything, the extreme's are the problem. The middle ground is always more comfortable, both figuratively and literally. Heh.

Seriously, ladies, does this do it for you:

Shit I look at that and wonder what is wrong with this generation? 

Truly, I wanna know what you guys think, so I've posted a poll on the top right portion of the page. Hit it up and let's get some info because inquiring minds want to know...even though I've already made my decision.

1 comment:

  1. I like right buns in 501, plus it shows off their package wich lets us ladys know if they are sponge worthy or not! But I am an 80's lady
